Booya Gadget gives a thumbs up for the Heavy Rain Move (including navigation controller) support. It will take some time to adjust yourself to the Move / Nav commands during the game.
In Heavy Rain, you need to have complete and full command of the necessary PS3 Move commands or people will probably die.
One of my favorite features is that with Heavy Rain I can finally play with the Move while sitting on my booty relaxing. In fact, that’s a tip, get comfortable, rest your dominant hand easily on your leg/knee. The main downside we found so far is that some key-press combinations are too tough. For instance, if you wanted to cut off your finger ( hypothetically ) you have to hold the Move button, and Triangle then move the wand, it’s tricky, and I don’t want to have a character die on me because I couldn’t operate the Move.
In Heavy Rain, you need to have complete and full command of the necessary PS3 Move commands or people will probably die.
- Heavy Rain Disc on Amazon
- Heavy Rain on Playstation Network Download
- Playstation Move Control on Amazon
Good experience, definitely worth a try. Heavy Rain is one of our favorite games at Booya Gadget, so I was happy to download the LARGE patch for Move compatibility. I can’t describe everything here, so best way to learn is to go fire up your copy of Heavy Rain and pair your Move / Nav, it will add tension to a tense game. If you have never played Heavy Rain, I recommend it if you can go on a binge. It’s kind of like watching a movie, except you’re the actor.
Booya Gadget YouTube Video: PS3 Move Heavy Rain Hands On “Sleazy Place”
Booya Gadget YouTube Video Demo: PS3 Move Heavy Rain Hands On “Crime Scene”
Here is a link to more Booya Gadget PS3 Move Articles